Control The Potential Culprit Within Us, Not The Potential Victim!

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Untuk "mencegah" kekerasan seksual, kita harus mengontrol pelaku potensial. Catat bahwa semua orang adalah pelaku potensial, termasuk kita, tanpa mengecualikan jenis kelamin. Dan korban potensialnya juga sama: semua orang! Tapi, kok bisa? Sepanjang sejarah, akar sebab dari kekerasan seksual sangat berkorelasi dengan banyaknya orang yang percaya bahwa gender tertentu; kerap kali yang lebih feminin, pantas mendapatkan pendekatan seksual tanpa alasan, bahkan tanpa persetujuan. Kita harus lebih menghormati batas-batas orang.

To “prevent” sexual violence, we should control the potential oppressor. Note that everyone has the potential to be the culprit, including us, without exception to gender and sex. And The Victim potential, is: everybody, too! But, why? Throughout history, the root cause of sexual violence highly correlates with how some people believe that oppressed genders; especially feminine ones, deserve to receive unwarranted sexual advance. People need to respect each others' physical boundaries more and stop seeing other people's worth by their biological features and gender. People need to be aware of this logic: “If you think you wouldn't like to be treated like that, then don't do it.” This basic principle needs to be taught since young age, to truly "prevent" sexual violence.

ESC Bumigora

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