
From BASAntb Wiki
Revision as of 13:43, 30 November 2024 by Katya (talk | contribs)

BASAntb is an innovative digital platform rooted in culture and communication, designed to preserve and promote the Sasak language. Inspired by the BASAbali Wiki and BASAibu’s 2019 initiative, BASAntb encourages youth from diverse backgrounds and age groups to voice their opinions on public issues, contributing to the social and cultural development of Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB).

Through BASAntb, young people have the opportunity to participate in "Wikithons" – online community events where they can express their perspectives on social, political, and environmental issues using their native language. These events are designed to foster a sense of responsibility and pride in the region’s linguistic heritage while building community awareness around pressing issues.

In collaboration with the ECCO Foundation, BASAntb aims to create a vibrant, inclusive space for NTB’s youth to engage in civic life, fostering a deeper connection to their culture and a stronger voice in shaping the future of their communities. Together, we strive to keep NTB’s linguistic and cultural heritage alive and sustainable.