God is fair, wait for the reply

From BASAntb Wiki

This is a Response to the Kekerasan Seksual wikithon


kalau bukan dari diri kita sendiri yg mengubahnya, bagaimana pun seorang ngasih anda pendapat, ga bakal ada responnya, jadi semuanya tergantung pada diri kitaaa, apapun itu, harus dari diri sendiri, makhluk lain hanya sebagai pengkritikmu saja, tuhanmu lah sang maha adil apa yg engkau kerjakan, So remember that, there is nothing that cannot be changed if it starts from ourselves.

If it's not ourselves who change it, no matter how someone gives you an opinion, there won't be a response, so everything depends on us, whatever it is, it has to come from ourselves, m

SMA negeri 3 Mataram

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