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21 February 2025
N 14:32 | WikithonResponse:Fight! The 3G Shield Challenges Silent Bystanders to Confront Sexual Violence 6 changes history +1,458 [Nuruljannatisafira24; NJ Sapira (5×)] | |||
14:32 (cur | prev) -1 Nuruljannatisafira24 talk contribs | ||||
13:34 (cur | prev) -2 NJ Sapira talk contribs | ||||
13:33 (cur | prev) +2 NJ Sapira talk contribs | ||||
13:32 (cur | prev) -44 NJ Sapira talk contribs | ||||
13:31 (cur | prev) -3 NJ Sapira talk contribs | ||||
N |
13:29 (cur | prev) +1,506 NJ Sapira talk contribs Created page with "{{WikithonResponse |Title en=Fight! The 3G Shield Challenges Silent Bystanders to Confront Sexual Violence |Title id=Lawan! Tameng 3G Tantang Silent Bystander Hadapi Kekerasan..." |
14:32 | (Upload log) [Surya Putra; Nuruljannatisafira24; NJ Sapira] | |||
14:32 Nuruljannatisafira24 talk contribs uploaded File:20250221T143205239Z674565.jpg | ||||
13:24 NJ Sapira talk contribs uploaded File:20250221T132435709Z357981.jpeg | ||||
09:53 Surya Putra talk contribs uploaded File:20250221T095344658Z938217.jpeg |
13:03 | (User creation log) [Salsabila Syifa Huwaida Witarsa; NJ Sapira] | |||
13:03 User account Salsabila Syifa Huwaida Witarsa talk contribs was created | ||||
12:54 User account NJ Sapira talk contribs was created |
N 09:55 | WikithonResponse:Sexist Jokes in Comedy : Why Are They Funny but Risky? diffhist +2,213 Surya Putra talk contribs Created page with "{{WikithonResponse |Title en=Sexist Jokes in Comedy : Why Are They Funny but Risky? |Title id=Candaan Seksis dalam Komedi : Mengapa Lucu tetapi Berisiko? |Response id=Teori hu..." |
20 February 2025
N 10:17 | WikithonResponse:Christian diffhist +346 Christian.h1088 talk contribs Created page with "{{WikithonResponse |Title en=Christian |Title id=Christian |Title sas=Christian |Response en=As a person who live in the stunning area. I suppose, the government should solve..." |
N 10:02 | WikithonResponse:Sexual violance in the bus diffhist +422 Neyboer13 talk contribs Created page with "{{WikithonResponse |Title en=sexual violance in the bus |Title id=kekerasan sexual di bus |Response id=memakai pakaian yang tertutup dan mencari bantuan jika terjadi kekerasan..." |
10:00 | (User creation log) [Yosef Jontara; Wirrrr; Tarunalalu; Patricia knowles; Neyboer13; Mei pevita; Leo22; Jontara girsang; Joana Patricia; Jimie; Jakaria; Fetstya; Cion; Ataanmen; Aldynho] | |||
10:00 User account Neyboer13 talk contribs was created | ||||
09:55 User account Mei pevita talk contribs was created | ||||
09:28 User account Cion talk contribs was created | ||||
09:28 User account Tarunalalu talk contribs was created | ||||
09:19 User account Yosef Jontara talk contribs was created by Yosef Jontara talk contribs and password was sent by email | ||||
09:10 User account Patricia knowles talk contribs was created by Patricia knowles talk contribs and password was sent by email | ||||
09:05 User account Joana Patricia talk contribs was created | ||||
09:00 User account Jontara girsang talk contribs was created | ||||
07:40 User account Leo22 talk contribs was created | ||||
07:29 User account Jimie talk contribs was created | ||||
06:57 User account Fetstya talk contribs was created | ||||
06:44 User account Wirrrr talk contribs was created | ||||
06:41 User account Aldynho talk contribs was created | ||||
04:47 User account Jakaria talk contribs was created | ||||
04:36 User account Ataanmen talk contribs was created |
N 09:57 | WikithonResponse:Sexual violance in the street diffhist +330 Mei pevita talk contribs Created page with "{{WikithonResponse |Title en=Sexual violance in the street |Title id=Kekeradan sexual di jalan |Response id=Dengan memakai pakaian yang tertutup dan menghindari jalanan sepi |..." |
N 09:52 | WikithonResponse:Sexual violance in the hospitals diffhist +490 Cion talk contribs Created page with "{{WikithonResponse |Title en=Sexual violance in the hospitals |Title id=Kekerasan sexual di rumah sakit |Response id=Menghindari kerja larut malam dengan lawan jenis berdua at..." |
N 09:46 | WikithonResponse:Sexual violence in the office government diffhist +612 Tarunalalu talk contribs Created page with "{{WikithonResponse |Title en=sexual violence in the office government |Title id=kekerasan sexual di kantor pemerintah |Response id=kekerasan yang terjadi kantor seperti memben..." |
N 09:21 | WikithonResponse:Sexual harassment in boarding school diffhist +294 Yosef Jontara talk contribs Created page with "{{WikithonResponse |Title en=Sexual harassment in boarding school |Title id=Kekerasan seksual di pesantren |Response id=Mungkin dibutuhkan keamanan dan pengawasan lebih terhad..." |
N 09:16 | WikithonResponse:Sexual harassment for lgbtq community diffhist +371 Patricia knowles talk contribs Created page with "{{WikithonResponse |Title en=Sexual harassment for lgbtq community |Title id=Kekerasan seksual terhadap komunitas lgbtq |Response id=Seringkali di anggap sebelah mata dan seri..." |
N 09:07 | WikithonResponse:Sexual harassment at the entertain world diffhist +412 Joana Patricia talk contribs Created page with "{{WikithonResponse |Title en=Sexual harassment at the entertain world |Title id=Kekerasan seksual di dunia entertain |Response id=Kerap para talent menjadi objek kekerasan sex..." |
N 09:03 | WikithonResponse:Sexual harassment in Athlete World diffhist +351 Jontara girsang talk contribs Created page with "{{WikithonResponse |Title en=Sexual harassment in Athlete World |Title id=Kekerasan seksual di dunia atlet |Response id=Semoga setiap atlet baik pria maupun wanita bisa mendap..." |
N 07:44 | WikithonResponse:Showing or sending pornographic images diffhist +359 Leo22 talk contribs Created page with "{{WikithonResponse |Title en=Showing or sending pornographic images |Title id=Menunjukkan atau mengirimkan gambar pornografi |Response id=jadikan private akun media sosial kit..." |
07:43 | (Upload log) [Ryanfajar239; Leo22; Jakaria; Faizhafizz; Ataanmen] | |||
07:43 Leo22 talk contribs uploaded File:20250220T074356495Z062756.jpeg | ||||
04:49 Jakaria talk contribs uploaded File:20250220T044932945Z641504.jpeg | ||||
04:40 Ataanmen talk contribs uploaded File:20250220T044051026Z470753.jpg | ||||
04:38 Faizhafizz talk contribs uploaded File:20250220T043750216Z506225.jpg | ||||
04:35 Ryanfajar239 talk contribs uploaded File:20250220T043530047Z632577.jpeg |
N 07:33 | WikithonResponse:Whistling to others diffhist +259 Jimie talk contribs Created page with "{{WikithonResponse |Title en=Whistling to others |Title id=Bersiul kepada orang lain |Response id=Pencegahan dpt kita lakukan dengan kita berpakaian sopan dan tau tempt . |Aff..." |
N 07:01 | WikithonResponse:Online sexual harassment diffhist +288 Fetstya talk contribs Created page with "{{WikithonResponse |Title en=Online sexual harassment |Title id=Pelecehan seksual secara online |Response id=kita dapat memprivate akun media sosial dan kita bisa melaporkan p..." |
N 06:46 | WikithonResponse:Sexual abuse in the family diffhist +281 Wirrrr talk contribs Created page with "{{WikithonResponse |Title en=Sexual abuse in the family |Title id=Pelecehan seksual di keluarga |Response id=contohnya seperti perkawinan paksa, kita bisa mensosialisasikan di..." |
N 06:43 | WikithonResponse:Verbal Sexual Harassment diffhist +253 Aldynho talk contribs Created page with "{{WikithonResponse |Title en=Verbal Sexual Harassment |Title id=Pelecehan Seksual Verbal |Response id=Langsung menegur pelaku untuk tidak berbicara yg sembarangan |Affiliation..." |
N 04:49 | WikithonResponse:The impact of sexual violence in the surrounding environment diffhist +566 Jakaria talk contribs Created page with "{{WikithonResponse |Title en=the impact of sexual violence in the surrounding environment |Title id=dampak kekerasan seksual di lingkungan |Response id=Tanggapan terhadap keke..." |
N 04:41 | WikithonResponse:The impact of promiscuity on the environtment diffhist +548 Ataanmen talk contribs Created page with "{{WikithonResponse |Title en=the impact of promiscuity on the environtment |Title id=dampak pergaulan bebas di lingkungan |Response id=Tanggapan terhadap kekerasan seksual dap..." |
N 04:38 | WikithonResponse:Sexual harasmen in school diffhist +231 Faizhafizz talk contribs Created page with "{{WikithonResponse |Title en=sexual harasmen in school |Title id=sex di dalam lingkungan skolah |Response id=sangat miris |Response en=very sad |Affiliation=tenis club |Gender..." |
N 04:36 | WikithonResponse:Sexual harasmen campus diffhist +310 Ryanfajar239 talk contribs Created page with "{{WikithonResponse |Title en=sexual harasmen campus |Title id=kekerasan seksual di campus |Response id=sangat menganggu kesehatan mental |Response en=very detrimental to menta..." |